Five on Friday

8:17 AM

Happy Friday!  I woke up this morning thinking it was Thursday, so realizing it was indeed time for the weekend was great!!!!!  We have grilling and hanging out planned this weekend, what about you??

{one} drink dispenser:  So when I was grocery shopping this past weekend I walked past this pretty drink dispenser.  I didn't have one and definitely wanted to be able to bust one out for a dinner party I'm maybe planning.  But it was $17.  I just couldn't.  But when I went to pick up some hamburger rolls yesterday it was on clearance for $10.  Uh huhhh oh yeahhh alright!! Mine.

{two} St Tropez Review:  I shared the St. Tropez DARK mousse review earlier this week, I know a lot of you wanted to know how it went, so go check it out!

{three} puppy love:  I sure do love babysitting this pretty pup when our friends are out of town!  So excited I get to hang out with her all weekend!
{four} patent printables:  I was pintrest browsing for some cool printables for the loft and found this.  They're patent prints!  This is going to look great in our bathroom.  Now to fill up those ink cartridges...

{five} Too Faced Giveaway:  Have you entered the Too Faced Chocolate Bar Giveaway yet?  If not hop over HERE and enter now!

I hope you all have a fun weekend!

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