November 2013 - Taylor Allan Photography

Five on Friday 11/22

The weekend has arrived!! It's D's big birthday weekend here is Dallas and I am so excited! And next week is Thanksgiving!  I bought my Turkey yesterday, thats the main thing right? Now I just uh stick it in the oven... Yeah I should look into that. {one} Thanks Bottles:  I'm pretty content with how all my Thanksgiving Decor turned out but the...

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DIY - Striped Table Runner

So I'm still creating thanksgiving decorations and decided that a long table runner might be nice to run down our bar/island.  So I went to Target and saw that they cost $20, aren't that fabulous and aren't long enough for our bar..  So using rule one of this blog.  I'm taking something Tattered and turning in into something Taylored.   Y'all are going...

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A few of my favorite things...

Do y'all read Cheers Y'all?  If not, check her out!  Anyway I'm linking up with her and Down with the Dearmore's, for their Favorite Things link up.  I'm sharing my favorite gift ideas for the holidays are!  One: Express // Leopard = Fabulous Two: Etsy // I have been in love with this bag for too long... Three: Target // Loving this knit throw, so comfy!     Four: Target // I had a set of...

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What to wear: Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving... next week already.  Did you buy your turkey yet?  Figure out your seating arrangement?  Make all of your DIY Decor?  Yeah, me neither...  I have more important things on my mind, like what I'm going to wear!  Here are some possibilities I'm muling over... As always they're affordable :) dress ankle boots bracelet earrings dress necklace kitten heels bracelet necklace dress flats...

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Five on Friday 11/15

Middle of the month already!  Andddd its a Friday, whoooo hoooooo!   The weekend callllss! {one}  E.L.F:   A dollar a makeup brush?  Deal!  I've been trying up my skills at putting on make up this week and having only one eyeshadow brush wasn't working out... {two} Jacyln Hill:  This girl has all the tips on applying makeup.  Loving her tutorials as they're...

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The Minute Mug Brownie.

Do you guys do these microwaved personal sized treats?  I am ALLLL about the mug brownie.  And this one has NO EGGS and NO BUTTER!   Whoo hooo for easy! What you need: a mug 1/4 cup flour 1/4 cup brown sugar 2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa 2 tbsp of coconut oil (or use what you have) 2 tbsp water {one} Mix it all...

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DIY - Thanks Bottles

Its no secret I am in love with acrylic paint.  I use it on, well almost everything.  Painting objects is the easiest way to bring them back to life.  And painting discarded bottles is one of my favorite ideas, I even use painted bracelets as a bracelet holder.  So I decided to take the six pack we drank over the weekend and turn...

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Wedding Wishes - Engagement Pictures

Hi folks!  This is my first post in the Wedding Wishes series.  I'm not engaged and I'm not getting married for a long time, but when the time comes I want to plan my own wedding.  And since I know nothing about planning one... I figured I should learn the skills now!  I've been doing a lot of reading, but have had a...

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Five on Friday!

Ahh the weekend has arrived!  Here are my top five for the week as I join up with Carolina Charm... {one}  PSL in a box:  Did you guys know you can make your own PSLs or Chai lattes with this stuff?? You put in half of this mix and then half milk. I've been using light soy milk so my drink is like 100...

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