Recipe: 2 ingredient Banana cookies

7:00 AM

Ah, I love cookies.  But lets be real, I'm on a diet, are you on a diet?  Maybe.  Its only a few weeks until summer and that means bathing suits.  Ugh.  So how dare I eat a cookie??  Well, if you use the right ingredients you'll be in the clear!  This recipe is easy and you most likely have what you need in the house...

What you need:
1 banana
1/2 cup oats 

Preheat to 350.  Using an older banana will make this easier, but you can most certainly use a nice yellow one as well.  Squish up your banana and add your oats.  Mix it all up!  Grease up a cookie sheet and then add a spoonful of batter to the cookie sheet before flattening.  You should get about 6 cookies out of the mix.  Bake for 12 - 15 minutes, remember on a greased cookie sheet!  Bam, cookies.  And think about it.  If you ate all six cookies you're eating on banana and a 1/2 cup of oats.  Share them, if you can, and you're eating even less calories.

Look out bikini, I'm coming for ya! Pst, want another easy cookie recipe?  Check out my 3 ingredient cookie

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