DIY: Size your Fedora - Taylor Allan Photography

DIY: Size your Fedora

8:00 AM

A few weeks ago you could get a fedora at Target for THREE DOLLARS!  Uh yes please!  The fedora in the pictures is an older one I had from Nordstrom, but the tutorial works for any hat that may be a little too big.  I really wanted a hat that would kind of squish my curls, not one that would cover them because I apparently have a small head.  One size does not fit all my friends.  So after searching on how to size my new hat, I decided to figure this one out on my own...

What you need:
glue gun
measuring tape
Measure the width of the band that is inside your hat, then measure the circumference.  Cut your felt to the length, but three times the width.  My measurements were 1in. x 20 in, so I cut 3in. x 20 in.  Now decide how much smaller you need your hat, a lot or a little.  
I went a lot smaller so folded over my felt three times, keeping it at one inch (the width of the band), before gluing it into one long strip.  Cut off an scragglies.  Now glue the strip to the INSIDE of the band, this way you can fold the band back over and nobody will know about your small head.  Bam, the hat should now fit your head perfectly!  

Enjoy your fitted fedora by the pool or beach this summer!

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