Join me! Blogilates challenge! Link up!

9:03 AM

Hey y'all!  Did you have a good weekend?  I did!  But it was filled with food and beer, not a bad thing, unless you're trying to get it together for bikini season.  So when my little sister text me this morning sharing her 30 day experience with Blogilates I had to share!

Alexandra has been following the Blogilates Beginner's Calendar for 30 days.  She also takes a 20 minute walk or does a 20 minutes ellipitical workout four times a week.  But she is NOT on a diet.  And these have been her results:

Doesn't she look great!  And thats only in 30 days!  She was tiny to begin with but her goal was to tone and get healthy, which is what is most important.   So I'd like to ask you join my Blogilates challenge!  All you have to do is follow the Beginner's Calender for the next 30 days.  Everything you need to know is in the video for each workout that you find through the calendar.  You can pair this with my Weight Tracker too!  Make sure to take a before picture so we can see your results!

Link up below and share that you'll be joining the 30 day Blogilates Challenge!  

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