DIY: Tinsel Tree

8:00 AM

Happy Holidays!  Our house is completely Christmased out!  This past weekend we picked up our gorgeous BIG tree!  We had our own Charlie Brown experience.  After walking around the trees for almost 20 minutes, we found a tree that was completely lopsided, but huge!  It was like a hotel tree, very full, but nobody noticed it because it was in the stand wrong.  Once we got it home and put it up, it was the most full, beautiful tree I had ever seen.  I'm so excited to do all my holidaying around "Pliny".  Yes, our tree has a name...

But as I mentioned before, every where is our house is Christmas!  So when I saw an empty spot next to our record player, I grabbed so tinsel to make this easy DIY...

What you need:
tinsel strand
glue gun
paper cone (you can make your own: here)

Dab a dot of glue onto the bottom of your cone and wrap the tinsel around and up, adding glue dots along the way to keep it all in place.  Done!

You can make additional trees out of felt, cranberries, glitter... the options are endless!

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