Five on Friday: Holiday Edition!

8:04 AM

Can you believe how close we are to Christmas?  I haven't even finished shopping... hence no gifts have been wrapped yet.  But I have been in a very Christmas-y mood with everything that has been going on... and with that here are my top five for the week!

{one} Christmas Music:  Enjoy this awesome playlist by some of my guy friends... they nailed it...

My Mind's telling me No, but the Mistletoe is telling me Yes

{two}  Our tree:  Our Christmas tree is everything I could ever dream for in a Christmas tree!  It is 9 1/2 ft tall and is fat and full.  It took us about 2 hours to properly add all the lights, but the work paid off.  I wasn't sure if I would have enough ornaments, but I think we have just the right amount!  Can you spot any of the snow covered pinecone ornaments I shared earlier this week? 
{three} Cookies:  Eating my Nannie's Christmas cookies is a favorite tradition of mine.  I baked some earlier this week and I have to give them away due to my sticky fingers... THEY'RE SO GOOD! 
{four} Christmas Vacation:  Christmas Vacation is easily my favorite Christmas movie.  We were lucky enough to go see it in the theater last night.  "Shitter was full!" I indulged in the Eddie's Eggnog... 
{five} Lights:  Tonight I have big plans!  I'm headed to one of those fun drive through the lights places.  I fully intend on bring hot chocolate for the ride.  This recipe from Martha Stuart is spectacular and its made with Almond Milk!  Perfect for the non-dairy folks! 
I hope you all have a holly jolly weekend! 

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