Friday 09/20

5:00 AM

Thank god its Friday night and I just, Just, JUst, JUSt, JUST... GOT PAID! money, money, money... Okay so I didn't just get paid, but that Nsync song always comes in my head on Fridays!  This week has been exausting.  Getting the apartment in order has been exhausting.  Not having internet and traveling diner to coffee shop to computer lab for work has been exhausting.  But... Thank god it's Friday!  I'm linking up with bloggers:Carolina Charm, The Good Life, A. Liz Adventures , and Hello Hapiness for the Five on Friday Link-up. And the lovely Lauren Elizabeth. who hosts High Five for Friday :)

{ONE} Colder weather: Okay so its not much colder than Tampa... but Thursday morning I walked to my new favorite little diner to grab some breakfast and I was wearing my typical maxi skirt, tank top, old navy combination and I was kinda chilly!  It was awesome! I'm really hoping Dallas has a nice fall this year :) Buh-bye all year long swimming pools! Please note my legs are actually ghastly pasty, I don't know why they look like golden brazilian legs here...

{TWO} the BEST Chai Latte: I've been a Chai fan since I was introduced to the wonder of Soy Chai Lattes in college.  But this Chai Latte. OMG. It was perfect and it was very foamy on the top, which added to my "chilly" fall-ish day yesterday

{THREE} J.Crew necklace:  I will never, ever be able to afford this necklace... the price is steep at $155, but its still gorgeous to look at!  I've asked my Mom, MaddieCat and Me, if she could make something similiar... here's to hoping!

{FOUR} Printables:  I created this printable for Blooming Belles yesterday. Its a way to keep my html color codes in check, since I designed my blog design.  This was the first printable I ever made and I gotta say, it was pretty fun!  I'm falling in love with creating graphic-design-esque things!  Click HERE to print out your own copy!

{FIVE} A fish friend:  One of the first times my boyfriend and I went out, we went and bought me a Beta Fish.  Her name was Oceana and she was the best... I think it is almost for me to get a new friend... What do you think!?  I'm thinking of naming her Moss...

Have a great weekend everyone!

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