Monday May I? 09/16

11:46 AM

Hello friends! I am so happy to say I am in my new apartment in Dallas TX!  Yee-haw!  The weekend was filled with fun in New Orleans and on the road, but now its time to get back to work... boo!

This Monday I'm teaming up with my sister blog Blooming Belles for the new link up "Monday May I..."  Blooming Belles is a place for new bloggers to learn tips, get to know one another, and to simply bloom!  Check it out :)

"Monday May I..." is a weekly link up where you can write three of your big goals for the week, here are mine...

{ONE} Make a home: Our movers will be arriving tomorrow!  We are currently sleeping on a half inflated air mattress and I had to cut up a potato with a plastic knife... so this is very good news!  But this means boxes on boxes of stuff. Yay?  (first world problems)

{TWO}  Run:  Since the past month has been crazy hectic, my workout regimin, okay I don't have a real regimin, has been non-exsistant.  Our new complex has a crazy amazing gym, so I plan on being there at least three times this week!

{THREE} Harry Potter It:  We have no internet right now so unfortunatly, I can't be on blogs and pintrest all night after I finish up work.  Instead I plan on taking the new J.K. Rowling news in stride and shall re-read all the books and re-watch all the movies as soon as I gain internet access.

Please make sure you click over to Blooming Belles to sign up for this great new link-up!  I've met some wonderful girls and discovered so many new blogs through linkups :)

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